Sunday, July 19, 2009

Garden Festival at Tranquil Lake

Saturday we visited Tranquil Lake Nursery for their annual Summer Open House. They are located on River Street in Rehoboth, MA. As usual the fields of colorful daylilies were breathtaking (should have brought the camera). Try to visit in the next few weeks when the lilies are at their best.

Athyrium hybrid, “Branford Rambler”

Always looking for something unusual, I purchased a trailing fern for my shade area and two air plants. I put them on a piece of drift wood next to the garage. It’s very interesting how they get their nutrients…not from soil. They collect dew/rain and transport the water by way of specialized cells, to their plant body…cool! I may try to wire the TBX to a crook in the driftwood. The plant uses its short root system to hang onto host trees.

Tillandsia Hondurensis (left), and Tillandsia Brachycaulos X

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