Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Kat Toys

So, you just got a new kitten. Don't waste your hard earned money buying toys at a pet store! Look around the house...use your imagination. In the photo on the left are two items that are very popular with Pumpkin. The first is an empty water bottle with marbles inside and an old piece of stretchy material tied to the cap. He likes to roll it and drag it around.

The next toy took more effort to make. First I had to empty a bottle of wine. Then I washed the cork so my kitten wouldn't get high. I drilled holes in the cork, length-wise and across the diameter of the cork. I glued in some feathers and wired in a few pony beads. Much nicer than spending ten bucks at the store.

Finally...the simplest of all toys...two twist ties. Behold the video of Pumpkin with his favorite toy.

Monday, September 7, 2009

New Kitten, news...

August 31st I accompanied Jacque and Jesse (her grand daughter) to a home in NA that had free kittens. Jacque wanted a friend for her cat...she recently lost an elderly cat. We arrived and were greeted at the door and brought to the kittens' domain. Two white ones and one orange tiger.
I had occasionally toyed with the idea of a kitten, but I had certain considerations...such as, it had to be female, and the coloring would be a silver/black tiger. Well, Jacque chose her little white boy (Sugar) and I, unable to walk away and leave the little orange tiger, came away with a little boy who we have named Pumpkin.
I thought Steve would be upset, but he's not...guess he looks at it as another cat to tease....only this one has very sharp claws! The one who is really upset is Minou. She may be planning to run away.

The cooler weather is here in New England for sure. I actually had to close a window this morning. Last night we sat out for a while until the mosquitoes found us. We have had a stretch of beautiful weather lately. I especially like the sunsets this time of year...lots of pinks and purples. A favorite vine has bloomed; the Moon Flower. I hope to get a picture of it when it has multiple flowers.

A final note for this posting....I'm going back to school, Rhode Island College, to get certified in Special Education. It will take a while since it's not exactly in the budget. I'll chip class at a time until that lottery number comes in.
Until next time...Enjoy your day!